Title Insurance Calculator: I’m Buying

Fee #1 – Settlement Fee a/k/a Closing Services (This is the Fee title companies charge for their labor in preparing documents and conducting the closing)
Settlement Fee a/k/a Closing Services
Fee #2 - Owner’s Title Insurance Policy (Price is set by the State of Florida)
Insured Amount (Fill in Property’s Purchase Price)
$0 to $100,000: $5.75 per $1000 (min $100) $
$100,000 to $1 million: $5.00 per $1000 $
$1 million to $5 million: $2.50 per $1000 $
$5 million to $10 million: $2.25 per $1000 $
$10 million: $2.00 per $1000 $
OWNER'S Title Insurance Policy $

Fee #3 - Lender's Title Insurance Policy (Only if getting a loan, click here)

Lender's Title Insurance Policy (Base Fee)


Sometimes Lenders ask to add “Endorsements” (i.e. additional coverage).
Check box(es) below only if Lender asks for Endorsement(s) :

ALTA 4.1 Condo ($25) (OP/LP)

ALTA 5.1 PUD ($25) (OP/LP)
ALTA 6.0 Negotiable Rate Mortgage ($25) (LP)
ALTA 6.1 Variable Rate Mortgage ($25) (LP)
ALTA 6.2 Neg. Amoritzation Mortgage ($25) (LP)
ALTA 7.0 Manufactured Housing ($25) (OP/LP)
ALTA 8.1 Environmental Protection Liens ($25) (LP)
Florida Form 9 (10% of Insurance Rate) (LP)
Florida Form 9.1 (10% of Insurance Rate) (vacant land) (OP)
Florida Form 9.2 (10% of Insurance Rate) (improved land) (OP)
Navigational Servitude (10% of Insurance rate) (water front) (OP/LP)

ESTIMATED TOTAL = Fee #1 + Fee#2 + Fee #3. (i.e. Settlement Fee + Title Insurance Policies)

Estimated Total

Don’t be a victim of Bait & Switch! Junk Fees MANY title Companies charge at the end but WE NEVER CHARGE!

NO Wire Fees $0.00
NO Fed/Ex, DHL, Courier, DHL, Overnight shipping $0.00
NO Archiving, Warehousing, Storage, DVD, Thumbdrive, Document Retention $0.00
NO Notary fee (if using our in-house Notary) $0.00
NO Telephone, Fax, Long distance, Scanning $0.00
NO Escrow Service Fee $0.00
NO Recording Service Fee $0.00
NO Up-Charges to Title Commitments, Lien Searches or HOA estoppels $0.00
NO Title Updates or Recertification Fees (for “insuring the gap”) $0.00
NO Obtaining Mortgage Satisfactions Fee $0.00